Friday, February 7, 2025

Donate to St George’s

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

We rely on donations like yours to maintain our building and sustain our life and work as a parish church in the Church of England.  

Our mission at St George’s is to give glory to God by building up the common good and the dignity and freedom of each person in our local community that all may flourish and come to know and share the beauty, goodness and truth of God’s love as revealed in Jesus Christ, the gift of the Holy Spirit, the lives of all who make up the Church and a more humane, just and sustainable world.

At the heart of who we are and what we do is the transformative joy of the Gospel, the life of common prayer, Eucharistic worship, pastoral care, service of others and hospitality extended to all.

Your donation will help to support our pastoral ministry; family and children’s work; community-focussed events and outreach work; voluntary choir and wider musical offering; flower team; support groups; and engagement with any on society’s margins.

There are several ways to donate:

  • Parish Giving Scheme: If you are a UK tax payer, our recommendation would be for a regular payment via the Parish Giving Scheme, a Church of England initiative that enables donations by direct debit. Please also consider opting for an annual inflationary increase.  All money comes to St George’s and Gift Aid will automatically be claimed and paid into the church bank account.  Claiming Gift Aid gives the church an extra 25% on your donation.                   
  • Standing Order: If you already contribute by standing order and wish to continue with this method, please consider making a small increase.  This can be done by contacting your bank or by online banking. Our account No. is: Sort Code 20-20-62   A/C No. 60766844
  • Donating online with a credit or debit card: Please click here.
  • Easyfundraising: Using whenever you buy online with major brands and retailers. For each purchase, a donation will be made to your nominated charities at no extra cost to you or us.
  • Amazon Smile: Making purchases from Amazon could enable the church to benefit from the purchase also.  Just search for Amazon Smile and enter our charity number: 1133301, or our website, see below.  Website :

During Sunday services it is possible to give via the following methods: 

  • A collection plate is passed around during the service. Gift Aid envelopes are available which enable us to reclaim tax on donations made by UK taxpayers, increasing the donation by 25%. 
  • A contactless Giving unit is available at the back of church for card donations.
  • QR codes are located around the church for you to donate via your smartphone.

Please do ask one of the churchwardens or a member of the greeting team if you have any questions. 

If you would like to discuss any part of this document please don’t hesitate to contact our Treasurer using the contact form.

Thank you for your generosity.