Friday, February 7, 2025

Corona Virus (Covid-19)

17-Mar-20: The guidance below has been superceded by information on our home page.

We are taking the following measures to protect the health of all who worship at St George’s:-

HOLY WATER: You will find no holy water in the stoups at the entrances to the Church and Lady Chapel for the time being.

THE PEACE: There will be no sharing of the Peace by handshake. A bow to ones neighbour will suffice.

COMMUNION FROM THE CHALICE: You are welcome to receive the consecrated wine from the chalice. If you are not comfortable with receiving it in this way, please leave after receiving the host. There will be no Intinction (dipping the host into the chalice). The Priest and Servers will use a hand sanitizer before preparing the bread and wine for consecration.

TIMESCALE: These precautions are a temporary measure, until advice changes from the central church and the Health Protection Agency.