Friday, September 20, 2024

Whyke Residents AGM

Whyke Residents' Association Logo

Whyke Residents Association Committee have had to abandon plans for their open evening and AGM for this year. Sadly, this is the first time in the history of WRA that this has been necessary, and we (the committee) apologise to those members who have regularly attended our open evenings and welcomed our guest speakers.
To keep our membership up to date, we propose the following:
  •  All existing members of our committee have agreed to remain in post, but additional members would be welcome, particularly following the sad loss of our membership secretary\treasurer late in 2019. Please get in touch if you would be interested in joining us or would like more details.
We do not intend to present our accounts to the entire membership this year, but if any member wishes to see our accounts, we will be happy to provide a copy.
We have not had any face-to-face committee meetings since lockdown, but continue to monitor and comment on local issues, many of which are brought to our attention by association members.


Alan Carn

Co- Chair Whyke Residents association.