Friday, September 20, 2024

Whyke Residents – March Newsletter

Whyke Residents' Association LogoNewsletter for the Whyke Residents

Rumboldswhyke School

March 16 was the closing day for The Consultation on Closure for the Rumboldswhyke, Clapham and Patching schools.   An open letter has been written to Mr Marshall, leader of WSCC  by parents and interested bodies questioning the amount of places said to be available and the apparent speed and method with which the schools are being closed.

A  Letter of Engagement has been put in the hands of a lawyer to be sent to the County Council.

St Georges Church

Father Toby has left St Georges and has been licenced to a Swindon  parish.  Father Tim is going to a parish in Worthing from 19th April.  The parish office is being manned, but not full time.

Railway Bridge. Grove Road

Alan Carn is continuing  his discussion with John Eccles of Network Rail regarding the safety of the bridge and the request for a safety cage   Judith has letter for ref.


Geoff King, tree warden (north side of level crossing) has put the question of shrubs or trees for Cambrai Rd on hold until this crisis is over.

A new tree was planted outside the school in Rumbolds Close.

Jenny Cole, (tree warden for south side of level crossing) has done two tree walks to find potential sites for new trees on the Whyke Estate Oval and one for Willowbed Drive and Ave. and Langdale .

She was accompanied on the Whyke Estate  walk by seven interested parties and together they identified several new sites.  Jenny is planning to ask the Whyke Residents Association with help for funding.


This was originally set for 30 April has been reset for the present as Thursday 28 May.  Any alteration will be notified.


The area of Whyke has been active in the combat of the virus.  A volunteer hub has been set up and there have been at the last count 39 offers of help and 55 people needing help have been collated.  Leaflets have been delivered to  residents and streets as far as possible.  If anyone  can help or needs additional help by shopping, chatting or collecting medicines you are asked to ring the following number. Cllr Sarah Sharp  has been co-ordinating this, matching active helpers with those in need. Cllr Sharp no 01243 790077  Sarah is seeking additional help in co-ordinating.

It has reported in that many of our roads have a watching neighbourhood support. It is great that so many people are coming forward to support each other, however we must be vigilant to ensure no-one in need, escapes the network.

Help Lines

There are help lines set up to help those suffering from domestic abuse.  There are notices in Lindwhyke Stores, Market / Ampitheatre notice board.   07834 968539 or 033 02228181        Urgent help 999

To report crime do not ring the police –  report it on internet.   ‘crime on line.’       Be safe.  WRA