Saturday, April 27, 2024

Christian Meditation Group

01-Apr-2024 @ 17:30 – 18:00 Europe/London Timezone
St George's Church

New Christian Meditation Group At St George’s

We are starting a regular meditation group at St George’s. Two meditation

meetings are held each week in the Lady Chapel. One at

5:30pm on Mondays and one at 10:15am on

Thursdays during term time. Each session will

last approx. 30-40 minutes and include a short

reflection and a period of silent meditation. The

first sessions will introduce meditation and be led

by Fr Angus. The hope is that the sessions will be

led by others in due course with resources drawn

from The World Community for Christian

Meditation ( All are welcome to come along,

whether you are new to meditation or have

previous experience.