Saturday, May 4, 2024

Carol Singing

20-Dec-2020 @ 15:00 – 15:45 Europe/London Timezone
St George's Car Park

This Sunday, 20th December, weather allowing, Sue Howell Evans, our Director of Music and Derek Price, member our church choir together with the brass ensemble which he leads, will be holding an open-air event in the church car park, commencing at 3pm, for approximately 45 minutes.

Attendees, wearing required face masks, will be able to join in singing Christmas carols, interspersed with festive readings.  With social distancing maintained, and bubbles of 6 allowed, you are invited to attend this pre-Christmas get together.  Word sheets for the carols will be available and feel free to bring along a collapsible seat if required.

Please note that for this occasion the church car park will be closed to all motor vehicles.

If the weather conditions prove to be unsuitable for the event to take place outside it will be moved into the church.  However, as at this time community singing is not permitted indoors attendees will be entertained by way of the brass ensemble, singing by the choir and readings.

Whatever the weather, please do ensure you wrap up warm.    As the daylight will be fading why not bring a torch with you, or a mobile with torch facility, to lighten the event.